Untouchable Alpha Update

So, this is a lot less time between my last update and the one before that, but in my defense, this time I didn’t nearly die multiple times (in non-assassination-related accidents).

So, what’s in the build of Untouchable?

Guns. Lots of guns.

Okay, so it’s really six different Weapons and about a dozen different types of Equipment that your Operatives can bring on their Contracts. Operatives can equip these different types of Items, ranging from handguns to climbing gear to assault rifles, to help them complete their Contracts.

So, how do Weapons and Equipment work?

Items provide Stat Bonuses to the Operatives who equip them. For example, if an Operative equips a Pistol, they will have a +1 Combat bonus and a -1 Stealth penalty that will affect their Stats for the duration of the Contract.

Operatives have 3 points of Inventory Capacity that they fill with Items, including 1 Weapon and up to 3 pieces Equipment. So if an Operative is equipped with a Pistol, they will use 1 Inventory Capacity, with two remaining.

To equip an Item, go Mission Preparation and click “Select Weapons” or Select Equipment” to open the relevant menu. Here you can see the Item’s stat bonuses by cycling through the information with the arrow keys in the upper right hand corner. Click on an Item to equip it to your Operative (as long as they have the Capacity for it). You can un-equip an Item by clicking on it again, which will free up any Inventory Capacity they were using.

If you equip an Item to an Operative and send them on a Contract, that Item will be removed from your Inventory. If the Operative returns, the Item will also be returned to your inventory. However, if an Operative dies, their Weapon and Equipment will be lost with them.

To purchase Weapons and Equipment, open the Agent Management menu by clicking on its button in the upper toolbar, to the left of the clock and its buttons.

Anything Else?

No, that’s about it, besides how you can click notifications to go to the relevant menu/location (if there is one) from the open map.

Wait, no, I also included a bunch of fixes for game-breaking glitches that may or may not have caused immediate Crash to Desktop.

I mean, I know it’s an Alpha build and there's bound to be glitches, but I work to fix them as soon as you guys tell me. Seriously, thanks for all of you who’ve played the Alpha, especially all of you who brought up glitches that I’ve been fixing around the clock.

Plus, I really like the concept of this game and would like to turn it into a standalone one day.


Untouchable on itch.io: https://cgh-one.itch.io/untouchable

Discord Server I use for Game Dev: https://discord.gg/B5TEdTkEzk  


untouchable.exe 172 MB
29 days ago

Get Untouchable: A TNO Fan Game

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